Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Whoa, Nellie!

What is up with the price of gas (no pun intended)? Ten days ago it was $2.69 a gallon, and now it's $2.99, a thirty cent jump. If it gets any more expensive, I may have to take to pogo stick riding to get around!

Today was election day - did you vote? If not, then you have NO business complaining about the government.

Okay, now off the soapbox...

Remember that scarf for the Red Scarf Project, the one for which I went off the yarn diet? Well, here it is in it's two halves, being checked out by senior cat inspector Tigger. I thought I was almost done, only needing to graft the two halves together. Wrongo, moose breath! I couldn't figure out how to graft the ribbing to make it look right; it's always half a stitch off. Of course, I had no one to blame but myself. I'm the one with the bright idea to do it in two halves, instead of end to end like the instructions called for. In my defense, I decided to do it that way because of all the mistakes in the first half of the pattern that I had needed to correct; I really didn't want to have to do that for the rest of the scarf. Anyway, long story short, it is now languishing in the UFO's while I decide what I want to do with it, since it's now past the deadline. Oh well, live and learn.

1 comment:

Bev said...


Hopefully you can figure it out soon -- or come up with some good use for the red yarn!